Wall-Ready Landscape Art

Fisheye view of the interior of the Palau de Musica, Barcelona, Spain BC029

Items of Topic "Photographing Bridges"

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Sunset over the Tay, Dundee, Scotland.

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Gallery Page: Dundee, Scotland

Nestled on the north bank of the Tay Estuary, ‘Sunny Dunny’ is a developing cultural centre and gateway to the scenery of the Angus Glens and Highland Perthshire.…

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The Tay Railway Bridge at dusk from western Dundee, Scotland.  DD123

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Blog Post: Photographs of snowy Dundee

Like much of the country we’ve had our fair share of snow in Dundee over the last few days. The chance to get out and about and take some photographs of snowy Dundee has been limited both by the ...…

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Cyclist passing COVID-19 graffitti in Dundee, Scotland.  DD065

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Blog Post: Photographing Dundee in Lockdown

I’ve been spending the Coronavirus Lockdown in Dundee, on the ‘sunny’ north coast of the Tay in Scotland. Although generally occupied with reading, writing, cataloguing, and putting photos on-line, I have been out and about taking some photos of ...…

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