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The Ring of Brodgar neolithic stone circle, Mainland, Orkney OR032

Items for Place Spain


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Brooklyn Bridge and wooden piles in the East River, New York City NM005

Gallery Page: Cities in Monochrome

Aspects of cities throughout the world that appeared to be best represented by a monochrome image.…

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Three groups of chimneys on the roof of Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain. BC002

Genre Page: Cities

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Interior view of the ceiling of La Sagra Familia basilica showing forest-like pillars and decoration as light filters through roof. BC011

Gallery Page: Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is the capital of the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia (Cat: Catalunya) and lies on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the second most populous municipality of Spain, with a population of 1.6 million within city limits. These ...…

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